The Curriculum Office of MNUE-School of Educational Studies organized a competition to create the best poster on the topic “Side effects of vaping” to inform students about the harmful effects of vaping and e-cigarettes and to influence them to refrain from using them.
More than 30 students participated in the competition with a total of 16 works.
1st place - B. Ariuntuya Ts. Ulziydar, G. Nasanjargal, a 3rd-year students of social work.
2nd place - Ts. Enkhjin, 4th year student of special needs education,
3rd place - 4th-year psychology students B. Dulamsuren, T. Amartuvshin, B. Bulgamaa,
Additionally, the special excellence award was bestowed upon Enkhnaran, M. Erdenesuvd, and E. Odontungalag, who are students in the 3rd year of educational studies, and 4th level students in psychology.
The poster competition unfolded in two phases. Initially, the top 8 posters were chosen and showcased on MNUE's website during the initial stage. Subsequently, in the second phase, a panel of judges meticulously evaluated the eight selected posters, focusing on elements such as narrative coherence, originality, creativity, and overall quality, ultimately selecting the top four works as the pinnacle of excellence.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the students who participated in the competition, and we sincerely wish them abundant success in their forthcoming academic and professional endeavors.