To prepare highly skilled professional social workers who are able to make changes for people’s and societal wellbeing.
SWD objectives:
- To develop content and methodology of social work education in accordance with international and national professional policy and standards;
- To collaborate with the professional community in research and scholar work;
- To advocate for professionalization of social work services in the country;
- To organize and/or participate in professional educational and training programs, conferences and forums by learning from international social work experiences.
Education programs
Undergraduate degree program
Social work program. 120 credit hours Full time (3.5- 4 years) program
Graduate degree programs
Master’s program
Social work program.Full time (1,5 years) and correspondent programs (2 years) (30 credit hours)
In-service training programs
- Specialized courses with credit hours. Social workers’ skills development workshops to work with various population groups in different practice fields (upon request)
- Tailor-made training programs
We promote:
- Social development approach in social work
- Generalist approach to social work education
- Public understanding of professional social work
- Experiential and participatory approach in learning
SWD organizes and participates in research projects, lectures and conferences for public, professional community, and students. We closely work with national government and non-governmental social service organizations such as Ministry of Population Development and Social Welfare, National Social Welfare Office, and Save the Children Fund.
SWD had established close working relationship with well-known social work schools
- Japan College of Social Work, Japan
- Columbia University School of Social Work, USA
- WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis, USA
- Nihon Fukushi University, Nagoya, Japan
College of Social Work, University of Utah, USA
The Department of Social Work Methodology was established in 1997 with the direct financial support and assistance of the British Government Partnership Program under the name of the Social Work Training and Research Methodology Center at the Mongolian National University of Education and began to train the first Bachelor's degree social workers in Mongolia. Starting from the 1999-2000 academic year, the Department of Social Work of MNUE has expanded into the Department of Social Work Methodology since 2014, and now has 8 faculty members and has trained more than 1,000 undergraduate graduates. Currently, 300 students are studying for bachelor's degree and more than 20 for master's degree. The department has played a major role in laying the foundation for the system of training higher-educated social work specialists in Mongolia, and its graduates are working in the fields of social welfare protection, schools, sum, khoroo, and health and child protection.
Also, in order to qualify and empower social workers working in the field of social work, in cooperation with the Departments of Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Education and affiliated agencies, re-qualification of social workers is being conducted in provinces and districts. For example, more than 800 school social workers have been qualified in the 3-level training for school social workers, 600 specialists in the 3-5 level training for welfare social workers, more than 400 in the training of social workers of judicial decision-making bodies and committees, and more than 500 family and child protection workers have been qualified.
Since 2001, the Department of Social Work Methodology has trained over 200 professional social workers with a master's degree in social work. Graduates are governors, heads of departments, heads of non-governmental organizations, social workers, seniors in prisons affiliated to the General Department of Social Welfare, Education, Health, Court Judgment Execution, Local Government Unit Sum Committees, and governmental and non-governmental organizations for child protection. We have implemented a collaborative research and analysis works in together with the researchers, universities and organizations from Japan, United States and Russia. Also, we are cooperating with the United Nations Children's Fund, the International Labor Organization, World Vision Mongolia, and the Save the Children Foundation within the scope of academic priorities.
Social work students are engaged in academic and research work by exchanging mutual experience, learning to provide services that combine theory and practice, collaborating with civil society organizations to test new social services and implementing projects with the support of the school.
Address: Social Work & Methodology Department, School of Educational Studies, 44, 47-А
Phone: 976-11- 77776116, Fax: 976-11-77776116
Email address: sw.department@msue.edu.mn
- Surname: Tumee
- Name: Tsendsuren
- Work position: Head of Department
- Specific major: History and literature teacher
- Educational degree, title : Doctor (Ph.D) in Educational Studies, Associate Professor
- Research priorities: Family studies, Child Development, Participation and Protection, Social Work high education, Evaluation of social services, Main course taught: Introduction to Social work, Integrative seminar, Social work macro, practice, Child protection service, School social work,
- Main course taught:
Foundation course: Socio-economic development, Family studies, Gender studies
Elective course: Social work working with families, Human development and social environment, Management and organization of social work
- Surname: Khuajin
- Name: Ulziitungalag
- Work position: Lecturer
- Specific major: Educational psychologist for preschool children
- Educational degree, title : Master
- Research priorities: Child protection, Domestic Violence, Social Work high education
- Main course taught:
Foundation course: Child protection, Social work practice 1 (working with individual, family, group), Social work management, Analysis and evaluation of social issues
Elective course: Social welfare services, Human resources management in social service organization, Social work with disability
- Surname: Mijig
- Name: Nyamdorj
- Work position: Lecturer
- Specific major: Teacher of history and children’s methodologist
- Educational degree, title : Master
- Research priorities: Child protection, Field education, School social work
- Main course taught: Introduction to Social work, Integrative seminar, Social work macro, practice, Child protection service, School social work
- Surname: Namdaldagva
- Name: Oyut-Erdene
- Work position: lecturer
- Specific major: social worker, social science teacher
- Educational degree, title : master of science in social work
- Research priority: social work education, social welfare, socia; gerontogoly, social work with the elderly, life skills education, social services
- Main course taught: Social work ethics, Social policy, Social marketing
- Surname: Otgon
- Name: Jargalsaikhan
- Work position: Senior Lecturer
- Specific major: Social Worker
- Educational degree, title : Doctor (Ph.D) of Educational Studies
- Research priorities:
-Social work
-Assessment for Learning
-Human Rights
-Child Protection
Social Security
- Main course taught:
-Social Work Law
-Human Rights and Social Justice
-Social Welfare and Security
-Social Work Advocacy
- Surname: Tumurbaatar
- Name: Bulganzaya
- Work position: Senior Lecturer
- Specific major: Social worker-psychologist
- Educational degree, title : Ph.D in Psychology
- Research priorities:
-Social work
-Assessment for Learning
-Human Rights
-Child Protection
Social Security
- Main course taught:
-Social Work Law
-Human Rights and Social Justice
-Social Welfare and Security
-Social Work Advocacy
- Surname: Bolooj
- Name: Myagmarsuren
- Work position: Lecturer
- Specific major: Social worker and Psychologist
- Educational degree, title Master of Social Work
- Research priorities:
-Public administration
-Human resource management
-Social work administration
-Child Development, Participation and Protection
-Social Welfare
-Gender Study
- Main course taught:Foundation course:
-Sociol work theory
-Child protection
-Psychology of social work
Elective course:
-Social work service in prison
-Human resource management