
To lead the innovation of research and development and learning technology, and to contribute to the formation of values cherished by the Mongolian people..

To prepare lifelong learning and development teachers, leading researchers and experts in the field of education at the national level, and to ensure their continuous professional development.

The motto
Unity, science, creativity, sustainable development and inclusiveness.

Short introduction

The institute then expanded into the Department of Pedagogy in 1957, followed by the establishment of the Department of Pedagogy in 1983, and the Department of Psychology. Later, it evolved into the School of Educational Development in 1997, and ultimately, the School of Educational Studies in 2001. The School of Educational Studies currently accommodates 1,516 students across 7 majors at the bachelor's level, along with 203 students at the master's and doctoral levels. Additionally, it employs 7 advisors, 33 instructors and professors, 7 heads of departments, 3 curriculum office specialists, 3 student development methodologists, and 4 institute specialists, totaling 81 instructors and professors, who work collaboratively with other employees.

The School of Educational Studies has 8 programs accredited by the Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation and maintains cooperative agreements with approximately 30 universities and educational institutions across 7 countries.